Art, for me, has always been an expression of rhythm and musicality that evokes ideas and feelings unachievable through words, knowledge provided from a consciousness that is imperceptible.
From a young age, art gave me a great sense of comfort and belonging in the world. From a simple spark of imagination all the way to execution of ideas in a physical form, a tremendous satisfaction was achieved that allowed me to connect with the world and my surroundings. The final works always open up conversation between me and those that engage with my art and ultimately provides a portal of understanding between us.
I have been working with a style I call intuitive painting. It all starts with a single mark that begins a deeper conversation with the physical medium I am working with. It’s much akin to a dance, where with each step, I begin to understand and know my partner, forging a more and more intimate relationship.
The process requires learning how to think less and relying on instinct and confidence to make each of the following marks. Sometimes it feels like I am a puppet being choreographed and manipulated by a larger being. While working with the impermanence of the mediums, I have concluded that there are no real mistakes, only pathways that can be altered until finally achieving the idea the messenger has entrusted to me.
When I step back from my paintings, I see atoms and energy, the void of control and an abundance of chaos that exists, yet still conjuring up and maintaining a form recognizable to the eye. The art expresses a struggle between a spectrum of ideas, daily conflicts consisting of good and evil within ourselves and those emanating from the external world, suggesting hope while remaining cautious and open minded.
While painting, I strive to be in the present moment, removing myself as an observer of my actions and becoming the notion that is channeled through me. Through this flow-state, the mind becomes silently at ease and breaks down constructs that hold the movements and instinct back.